Apabila harga sesuatu barangan naik, pastinya ramai yang tidak suka. Begitu juga dengan Astro, baru-baru ini pihak pengurusan Astro telah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa harga beberapa pakej Astro akan dinaikkan pada bulan Julai 2011 ini.
Isu ini dilihat mendapat tentangan dari orang ramai dari debatnya di Parlimen dan lebih hebat lagi pihak Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) telah mengeluarkan kenyataan supaya orang ramai memboikot Astro dengan tidak membayar bil Astro selama 3 bulan. Namun begitu adakah tindakan-tindakan ini mampu membuka mata pihak pengurusan Astro untuk menurunkan harga?
Langkah yang terbaik ialah dengan mengimbangi monopoli Astro ini. Bagaimana caranya? Caranya ialah dengan memungkinkan wujudnya stesyen-stesyen berbayar yang lain bagi menyaingi Astro. Sekiranya ada stesyen-stesyen lain yang menyaingi antara satu sama lain, maka pastinya sesuatu stesyen akan amat berhati-hati dalam menaikkan harga pakej demi menjaga para pelanggannya agar tidak beralih kepada stesyen yang lain.
Isu ini dilihat mendapat tentangan dari orang ramai dari debatnya di Parlimen dan lebih hebat lagi pihak Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) telah mengeluarkan kenyataan supaya orang ramai memboikot Astro dengan tidak membayar bil Astro selama 3 bulan. Namun begitu adakah tindakan-tindakan ini mampu membuka mata pihak pengurusan Astro untuk menurunkan harga?
Langkah yang terbaik ialah dengan mengimbangi monopoli Astro ini. Bagaimana caranya? Caranya ialah dengan memungkinkan wujudnya stesyen-stesyen berbayar yang lain bagi menyaingi Astro. Sekiranya ada stesyen-stesyen lain yang menyaingi antara satu sama lain, maka pastinya sesuatu stesyen akan amat berhati-hati dalam menaikkan harga pakej demi menjaga para pelanggannya agar tidak beralih kepada stesyen yang lain.

Selain itu, pihak Kerajaan juga mampu mengambil langkah perlu dengan menaiktaraf sistem frekuensi dan penyiaran agar pengguna dapat paparan yang jelas di kaca televisyen walaupun tanpa menggunakan stesyen berbayar. Selain itu pihak Kerajaan juga hendaklah menambah saluran dan rancangan agar ia mempunyai kepelbagaian selari dengan kemahuan dan kehendak pengguna yang juga pelbagai.
Langkah memecah monopoli ini dilihat adalah penting kerana ia sememangnya mampu mengubah keadaan. Jika ditinjau seketika sejarah dahulu di mana Telekom Malaysia merupakan satu-satunya badan yang mengendalikan sistem komunikasi di Malaysia. Namun setelah kebangkitan teknologi telefon bimbit yang mempunyai pelbagai operator seperti Maxis, Celcom, Digi dan sebagainya ia dilihat telah menurun dan merudumkan populariti Telekom Malaysia (kini dikenali sebagai TM). Malah kini pihak TM membuat promosi dengan hanya menggenakan bayaran serendah RM 10.00 sebulan bagi pengguna rumah untuk memastikan telefon digunakan di setiap rumah.
Sini dilihat dasar memecah monopoli ini sememangnya berkesan dan mampu mengubah keadaan. Diharapkan ada pihak yang membuka mata akan peluang-peluang yang sedia ada bagi memastikan monopoli Astro ini dapat dipecahkan seterusnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh orang ramai yang sememangnya mempunyai kuasa memilih.
When the price of a good ride, certainly many people do not like. Similarly, the Astro, the recent management Astro has issued a statement that the price of some Astro package will be increased in July 2011.
This issue has seen opposition from the people of debated in Parliament, and best of all the Muslim Consumers Association Malaysia (PPIM) has issued a statement asking the people to boycott Astro with unpaid bills for 3 months.
The best step is to offset this Astro monopoly. How? How is the possible existence of stations to compete with other pay-Astro If there are other stations that compete with each other, then it would be a station will be very careful in raising the price of the package in order to protect its customers not to switch to other stations.
In addition, the Government can also take the necessary steps to upgrade the system and broadcast frequencies so that users can view clear on TV even without the use of pay stations. In addition the Government should also add the channel and that it has a diversity plan in line with the needs and demands of consumers who are also diverse.
The move was seen to break the monopoly is important because it is able to change things. If the first review briefly the history in which Telekom Malaysia is the only body that handles the communication system in Malaysia. But after the rise of mobile technology with various operators such as Maxis, Celcom, Digi and so it is seen to have declined and the popularity of Telekom Malaysia (now known as TM). Even now, the TM create a campaign with just moving a payment as low as RM 10.00 per month for home users to make sure the phone is used in every home.
Seen here is break the monopoly of policy is effective and able to change things. Hopefully there are those who open their eyes to the opportunities available to ensure that the monopoly could be broken then can be used by people who already have the power to choose.
Langkah memecah monopoli ini dilihat adalah penting kerana ia sememangnya mampu mengubah keadaan. Jika ditinjau seketika sejarah dahulu di mana Telekom Malaysia merupakan satu-satunya badan yang mengendalikan sistem komunikasi di Malaysia. Namun setelah kebangkitan teknologi telefon bimbit yang mempunyai pelbagai operator seperti Maxis, Celcom, Digi dan sebagainya ia dilihat telah menurun dan merudumkan populariti Telekom Malaysia (kini dikenali sebagai TM). Malah kini pihak TM membuat promosi dengan hanya menggenakan bayaran serendah RM 10.00 sebulan bagi pengguna rumah untuk memastikan telefon digunakan di setiap rumah.
Sini dilihat dasar memecah monopoli ini sememangnya berkesan dan mampu mengubah keadaan. Diharapkan ada pihak yang membuka mata akan peluang-peluang yang sedia ada bagi memastikan monopoli Astro ini dapat dipecahkan seterusnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh orang ramai yang sememangnya mempunyai kuasa memilih.
When the price of a good ride, certainly many people do not like. Similarly, the Astro, the recent management Astro has issued a statement that the price of some Astro package will be increased in July 2011.
This issue has seen opposition from the people of debated in Parliament, and best of all the Muslim Consumers Association Malaysia (PPIM) has issued a statement asking the people to boycott Astro with unpaid bills for 3 months.
The best step is to offset this Astro monopoly. How? How is the possible existence of stations to compete with other pay-Astro If there are other stations that compete with each other, then it would be a station will be very careful in raising the price of the package in order to protect its customers not to switch to other stations.
In addition, the Government can also take the necessary steps to upgrade the system and broadcast frequencies so that users can view clear on TV even without the use of pay stations. In addition the Government should also add the channel and that it has a diversity plan in line with the needs and demands of consumers who are also diverse.
The move was seen to break the monopoly is important because it is able to change things. If the first review briefly the history in which Telekom Malaysia is the only body that handles the communication system in Malaysia. But after the rise of mobile technology with various operators such as Maxis, Celcom, Digi and so it is seen to have declined and the popularity of Telekom Malaysia (now known as TM). Even now, the TM create a campaign with just moving a payment as low as RM 10.00 per month for home users to make sure the phone is used in every home.
Seen here is break the monopoly of policy is effective and able to change things. Hopefully there are those who open their eyes to the opportunities available to ensure that the monopoly could be broken then can be used by people who already have the power to choose.